From the Director's Desk
Dear Students,
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Acharya Shri Mahapragya Instituate of Excellence and I congratulate you for your decision to pursue studies in this institute. ASMIE is affiliated with MDS University, Ajmer and approved by the Government of Rajasthan. Its main objective is to provide higher education and quality learning to all students aspiring for it.
The institute is committed to excel in teaching, training, capacity-building, scholarship and full fledged development of its students. The Acharya Shri Mahapragya Institute of Excellence values the appropriate use of information and communication technologies and look ahead to surmount in quality teaching and learning through audio and video programmes, interactive counselling sessions, periodic assignments, project work and advanced technologies constitute the teaching-learning methodology. The Institute provides well-versed physical infrastructure facilities of very high standard for laboratory and practical-intensive courses in science, engineering & technology, professional courses and vocational courses.
The institute offers academic programmes right from UG level. These programmes cater a wide range of learners from diverse background including professionally qualified specialists, executives, academia at all the levels, and the representatives from industries interested in pursuing higher education.
This website provides the necessary information on nomenclatures of the programmes, eligibility criteria, programme duration, fee structure, examination system, etc. I am sure that this website shall be helpful in pursuing studies in Acharya Shri Mahapragya Institute of Excellence.
I am extremely gratified to offer you to be a part of ASMIE family that shall provide you quality education, professional training and best career opportunities. I hope you will join us and we together will continue to aspire for creating a culture of learning. Teachings at ASMIE are worth lifetime achievements. I pray for your bright future.
I wish you all glittering success in your studies and subsequently in your respective career.