OBC Cell
The ASMIE is committed to providing an environment that promotes diversity and respects everyone regardless of color, religious belief and culture. While maintaining diversity of all kinds, it also commits to ensuring the protection of everyone including MBC and acting as per the provisions of the constitution of India in such matters. ln order to create a living and working environment where all students feel safe and respected, there is a need to establish an OBC Cell with the following objectives.
1. To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
2. To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any events
at the campus.
3. To provide a mechanism to redress the grievances of OBC, if any.
4. To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
5. To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the career growth or job opportunities of
these students such as through competitive examination coaching.
Functioning Of OBC Committee
The committee will provide comprehensive preventive and proactive services to all such students
enrolled in various academic programs in the college. The goal of the cell would be to enhance the
psychological well-being of OBC students at ASMIE so they can take full advantage of the educational
opportunities at the college. The guidelines of UGC will be adopted from time to time. A committee
for OBC is established on 01-06-2018 as per the Other Backward Caste as per norms.
Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of OBC students of the college and render
them necessary help in solving their academic as well as personal career problems. Any other work
assigned from time to time to promote higher education among these two communities suffering
economic, social, and educational deprivations.
Activities Of OBC Cell
The OBC Cell was established in the college to coordinate the implementation of the various policies and programs launched by the Central Government, MHRD, UGC and State Government for the benefit of the OBC students. It also undertakes activities to develop awareness among OBC students, especially from rural areas. The faculty members of the Cell are actively engaged in coordinating and solving the problems in matters related to OBC students. Announce details of free coaching programs, start-ups, government scholarships, and fellowships through circulars to the OBC students from time to time as and when notified by the Central Government, MHRD, UGC, and State Governments.
Convenor of OBC Cell

Name: Shri Kanhaiya Lal Tailor
E-Mail: tailor.kanhaiya@gmail.com
Mobile No: +91 82337-76488
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education
The constitution of the OBC Cell is made with the following members to coordinate the activities for the OBC students of the campus form the A.Y. 2018-19.
Sr No | Name of the Committee Member and Designation | Position |
01 | Prof J P N Ojha | Principal |
02 | Shri Kanhaiya Lal Tailor | Convener |
03 | Shri Rahul Singh Solanki | Member (Faculty) |
04 | Shri Radhey Shyam Vaishnav | Member (Librarian) |
05 | Pankaj Kumar Kumawat | Member (Student) |
06 | Durga Lal Kumawat | Member (Student) |