Iternal Complaints Committee
The Women’s Grievance & Empowerment Cell which is also called Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted on 01st June 2018. The committee is required to review periodically the empowerment & awareness programs of women faculty, staff and girl students of the college to enhance their role in adopting specific strategies for achieving upward mobility. It provides an opportunity for the staff and students to bring their gender-related issues to the notice of the higher authorities thereby creating a congenial atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. The committee deals with the complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace and finds amicable solutions.
To prevent gender discrimination and sexual harassment by empowering the women employees and the girl students.
1. To empower the women employees and girl/female students by conducting periodical awareness
programs under the banner of Saheli Club
2. To address complaints from female/girl students, teaching, and nonteaching faculty members
and take appropriate action.
3. To create a secure physical, social and psychological environment to deter any act of sexual
1. Any aggrieved woman/girl may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment within the campus
to the Internal Committee immediately.
2. The Internal Committee before initiating an enquiry and at the request of the aggrieved woman
take steps to settle the matter between her and the respondent through conciliation (provided that
no monetary settlement shall be made as a basis of conciliation)
3. Where a settlement has been arrived, the Internal Committee, shall record the settlement so
arrived and forward the same to the employer to take action as specified in the recommendation.
4. The Internal Committee, shall provide the copies of the settlement as recorded to the
aggrieved woman and the respondents.
5. Where a settlement is arrived, no further inquiry shall be conducted by the Internal
6. The Internal Committee, shall, Where the respondent is an employee, proceed to make an
inquiry into the complaint following the provisions of the service rules applicable to the
7. To inquire, the Internal Committee shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court
under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) when trying a suit in respect of the following
matters: Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him/her on oath.
Functions of the ICC Committee
1. Creates awareness about the Internal Complaints Committee among the academic and administrative
units of the institution
2. Ensures that the complainant and witnesses are not victimized or discriminated because of
their complaint
3. Encourages an open-dialogue between the complainant and the committee members
4. Works in coordination with the University Policy Review Committee to ensure proper reporting
of the complaints and the follow-up procedures
5. Takes appropriates measures for prevention of gender discrimination in the institution
6. Redresses the complaints received regarding sexual harassment
7. Conducts programmes to empower the girl students and women employees thereby making them

Name: Smt. Jamna Kumawat
Mobile No: 9549009909
Members of the ICC Committee
The constitution of the internal complaint committee is made with the following members to coordinate the activities for the students and staff of the college campus from the A.Y.2018-19.
Sr No | Name of the Committee Member and Designation | Position |
01 | Shri Roshan Lal Sancheti | President of Society |
02 | Shri Raj Kumar Jain | Director |
03 | Mrs. Asha Sancheti | Secretary |
04 | Prof J P N Ojha | Principal |
05 | Shri Sankarsan Panda | Member (Faculty) |
06 | Shri Irfan Mohammad | Member (Faculty) |
07 | Smt Jamna Kumawat | Member (Lawyer/outsider) |
08 | Pooja Gurjar | Member (Student) |
09 | Ritika Sharma | Member (Student) |
10 | Kamlesh Kumar Teli | Member (Student) |
11 | Durga Lal Kumawat | Member (Student) |
12 | Pankaj Nath Yogi | Member (Alumni) |
13 | Bhanwar Singh Rathore | Member (Alumni) |
14 | Vinod Kumar Chordiya | Member (Parents) |